Saddles & Tack

We love the product "SUPPLE Leather Cleaner and Conditioner" for all of our MTL Products. There is no right or wrong product, but we recommend that you keep conditioners away from the seats of the saddles as much as possible, as using some conditioners more often than a couple of times a month can lead to over-softening of the already soft seat-leather, creating wrinkles. Wiping down with a soft cloth or damp sponge is usually enough for day to day care, SUPPLE Leather Cleaner and Conditioner (Available at when the leather needs a bit more, and condition if the saddle is used during inclement weather (immediately after the ride) and allow it to dry thoroughly before riding again. Local professionals can guide you through the many products available for cleaning and conditioning, but it’s not necessary to over-do the products on a daily basis. MTL Saddles are soft and comfortable from the beginning, and as long as you keep the leather clean and supple, your saddle should last a long time.
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